Mh.. remembered to login :-) Not played in years but I have kept my team.
Cash funds: 5 845 208 £ (5 704 275 £)
Sponsors: high on life
Belongs to: Ballater Club
Last improvement: 20-07-2007
Total capacity: 55 261
Terraces: 34 538
Basic seating: 13 815
Seats under roof: 5 526
Seats in VIP boxes: 1 382
Eugh these two cost way too much to feed now!
So feel free to bid...
André Vieira (129979474)
Antonio Molina (127395416)
Can I just say... what a bunch of retards we've got here!? I wonder why we've got track days... ehm... to prevent innocent people from getting injured?
Eh... I loved need for speed. In my opinion it went completely shite after NFS Porsche.
I remember the days when I played NFS1, then 2...3..4...porsche Porsche is definitelly favorite one. Eh... good old days... I can remember even earlier games... shame that I can't remember their names.
Yeah that's a good idea. Know one programmer from England who might be transferred to an office in U.S.A. So far from what I've read it seems as it'd be quite difficult to get a job over there - especially straight away after uni.
:-) Yeah it is RGU that I got conditional for. Aberdeen UNI doesn't do Archi ;(
I have thought about Dubai as well ;-) Don't worry! ) Would be pretty hot and I guess the people wouldn't make much sense to me!
Big thanks to SamH for the reply, personally not that concerned about gambling, smoking, drinking. So I take it as it would be very unlikely for some architectural company in USA to go for someone from the UK rather than simply employ an American?
And the English, Scottish thing - once again... I'm neither of them :-) And yes 7-8 years is a long time - as I said at the start, just being curious! I like thinking...
Is this you offering a place to stay!? lol... I shall be going to bed now, I'll let my sweet eyes rest throughout this gloomy night which ought to be ashamed of itself... that sounded gay...
Hopefully tomorrow I'll find here some more posts from the other continent
Yeah I know that it's pretty bad. My dad's a lorry driver over here (Both parents originally building engineers)... so I can pretty much see what's the situation with all the drivers getting fired and so on - lack of job on building sites too!
Don't forget that I'm still in school and that the course would take minimum of 6 years. So, it might get better in 7 years or so!